Perhaps there is something more preserved in the ethics of nursing; but it feels more like the Nightingale is caged and barely croaking--certainly not singing. There were a lot of things nurses could have done: ethics conferences, hydrate/feed people, get dietary consults within 48 hours for those admitted to the ICU so they could have had high dose vitD and melatonin, asked the dose of the biologically active substance of the injectable products. (I've just gotten started, there is so much more.)

One can't give a med without a dose. Call the hospital pharmacy--just ask them: what is the dose of the spike protein? If they can't tell you, chart that and move on.

And what about the complete lack of safety data on the monoclonals? Have nurses, who now sport many letters behind their names done their homework on new meds? Especially meds with only EUA?

We could detail the fraudulent nature of the trials, based upon an instrument not designed to be able to determine if people were infected with SARS COV2, and on and on it goes.

If the FDA has destroyed regulatory science--what does that mean for all of who depend on it?

New communities of practitioners, certainly. I only see a return to healing based upon first principles: imago Dei, etc.

And YES to save the 'house of medicine/nursing' we need to ensure pathways of apprenticeship from the dinosaurs in medicine (all docs over 60) to those emerging out of the AI; cookbook schools of medicine--where they don't teach them to listen to patients or do a differential unless they have their face in a screen. Unhook them from the AI and you discover they are only some kind of roboton. This is purposeful of course.

Thank you for the book recommendation. The dinosaur in my life keeps me quite busy or I'm sure I would enjoy the Citadel.

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When a culture (I used that word loosely) demonstrates a deep preference for situational ethics, good luck finding any who would operate morally and ethically within your profession. We have an extraordinary number of people in this country who have no moral framework at all for their conduct or decision making. These shall be the new doctors and nurses?

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There have been many courageous dedicated doctors, nurses saving lives during this plandemic. Unfortunately, the profession has been overwhelmed by evil, greedy "care-givers" who have not cared one iota for the health and lives of their patients. Aside from the nobility of the medical world's, mission, doctors are reflections of the rest of society today.

Our government, existing to protect "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Our elected representatives, the majority who practice self service rather than public services. Our military, who are supposed to protect us, not use us as guinea pigs for their propaganda and bioweapons. The drug industry, manufacturing poison, not medicine. More could be added here, but I think the point is made.

The world, especially this great republic, is not what we learned about or even perceived. The greed, the need for power and control is beyond our ability to comprehend. The awakening is very rude and hurtful. At least we see and can act. So many, way too many, especially in an enlightened, educated country cannot. Desmet Mattias's "Mass Formation", I believe.

The medical profession is but a slice of the whole society, mired in the hell of filth and dishonesty and evil.

All we can do is acknowledge the problem then try to fix it. Let's hope we are successful.

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Dr. Cronin, your interview with Dr. Peter McCullough was profound and I hope more people read your Substack as you are an excellent teacher. There is so much we need to learn from our failures in Covid care. The failures all hinged on moral and ethical shortcomings in response to the existence of evil. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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