Thank you for this column. I have been a registered nurse since 1963, I turn 80 in 2 days, and have worked clinically and in healthcare education for many years. Now retired, of course. I am dismayed at what has become of the practice of “medicine.” I was trained in patient centered care where each individual patient received the care needed for their condition. Now we have “evidenced based medicine” where a defined protocol is used for all patients. This protocol is determined by a group of physicians employed by the medical center and the rest of the physicians must abide by it. Critical thinking is out the window.

I saw the beginning of this when medical centers began buying independent medical practices. Physicians, who were independent contractors, became employees of the medical center and had to abide by their rules. I saw big Pharma controlling these medical centers and physicians with huge grants and financial rewards. Now we have them all, including medical journals, bought and paid for by big Pharma. I am dismayed.

I saw the lack of critical thinking by physicians when I was vaccine injured from the first dose of the Shingrix vaccine for shingles. I week after the shot I developed peripheral nerve pain that two physicians assured me was not caused by the vaccine. Eventually, the neurology group in the ER odetermined that I had developed Guillame-Barre Syndrome as a result of the Shingrix vaccine. I found it hard to believe that the trained physicians were unable to put together the shot with the vaccine when I saw it clearly. Even when I was insisting that this was the case. Needless to say, I rejected the COVID vaccine.

During the COVIDCRISIS we were lied to so many times. I knew from the beginning that it was being approached in the wrong way, no early treatment, lockdowns, no school for children. We needed to protect the elderly and those with comorbidities and let the rest go about their business. I am so sad that we have had to deal with this.

I hope that your ideas can be implemented so that we can again have critically thinking physicians who see the patient not the condition. I’m afraid it will be difficult because of the hijacking of our healthcare system by big Pharma.

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Thank you. I am sick at what has happened to the profession to which I gave 40 years of my life. Words cannot express......

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Medicine has been high jacked by GOVERNMENT colluding with Big Pharma. Get government out of healthcare, bring back free markets, problem solved!

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Insurance companies and Big Medicine are also to blame. It is a web of greed that needs to be broken up by competition and less interference. Free markets are part of the answer. You are so right!

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Your post illustrates what many are realizing in hindsight - so many unexplained issues after vaccines over the years, and these medical institutions were quick to say, "it couldn't be because of the vaccine!". The docs that came out with the Great Barrington Declaration were spot-on! Thank you for your many years of service, I'm sad that you had to see such a terrible thing happen to the profession you clearly loved. Keep speaking out and educating anyone who will listen - it's worth it, and it will spread! God Bless you.

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I am a retired Dentist, DMD designation, meaning we took the first three years of our education entirely with our medical school colleagues. I also taught at the uni level as a clinical instructor in the 90s. I'm terrified and incredibly saddened by the new disconnect from reality in medicine and dentistry. How did we- our generation- allow this to happen?

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To Tracy Bishop and JenM--Your email addresses do not show to me. I would contact you directly but can only hope that you see this and contact me: rsgonner@protonmail.com

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It’s 3:10 am and I can’t sleep thinking about my children’s future. I decided to read in hopes of feeling sleepy soon. But instead God sent me to your Substack. I have a son in medical school and a daughter in vet school. My youngest, a daughter as well, is getting her undergraduate. She is also on the path to attend medical school. They were raised by conservative parents that encouraged them to follow their dreams. if I could go back, I would steered them away from the medical industry. They do not believe in the woke agenda. But do not speak up against it either. They feel like they can keep their heads down and move along. Luckily we live in the south and that’s easier to do here. My son wants to be a orthopedic surgeon and feels like he will not be immersed in there agenda. But my youngest daughter, just has her eye on the prize. The prize of just getting into medical school. My dream would be to talk her out of it. Which I try often. I don’t think she thinks it’s as bad as I tell her it is. She is a critical thinker that goes along with the game just to get where she wants to be in life. I would love for you to have a conversation with all or any of them if you would like to. If not, maybe you can point me in the direction to be able to not worry so much, and finally be able to sleep at night.

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Tracy, many sleepless nights here too. We are travelling the same path, and our families are very similar... My youngest son of three children is an ROTC student, and while his older siblings have managed to avoid the shot, he took them thinking it was the only way to continue on with his dream of being an Army officer. He rightly maintained that at his young age, he didn't have any leverage to refuse or make a solid case, and he would be made an example of by being kept from competitive trainings, chances for advancement, etc. My efforts has mostly failed to persuade him to leave ROTC, but even he has seen "equitable" decisions being made at his major university, that have turned him from wanting to be in the Army as a career, to keeping his head down and only doing the minimum obligation for his scholarship, 8 years after graduation. I fear for him during these years, and the challenges he's going to face to his health and conservative ideology.

Blessings to you and your family. I would LOVE to hear the conversation between Dr. Gonnering and your children - what a wonderful man!

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Would be happy to help in anyway I can. rsgonner@protonmail.com.

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This is me exactly. I have and continue to lose much sleep. My daughter also knows she cannot speak up about any of it or she will be out on her butt. Her classmates have been selected to perpetuate the new think so she is without allies, and I am in constant fear she will succumb to the BS she is immersed in. Let's face it, medicine has truly become a cult.

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One of the challenges is that the most sought out medical educational centers are, of course, in the city, and those who want to live in cities tend to be more into "the current thing".

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This is a wonderful post, I love it. (Love Tolkien too :) Thank you so much for the work you do - gives me great hope for the future 🙏🏻♥️

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I’m a woman with extensive experience as a health care consumer. I dread the thought of my skin color being used against me to make up for others’ sins. Yet I’m even more apprehensive of being targeted not only by medical providers but also by our government. I’ve read Medicare is already keeping tabs on those who’ve wisely avoided the so-called Covid “vaccine.” It’s also reported our doctors will be forced to note if we’ve taken it and the many other mRNA “vaccines” coming down the pipeline.

How we’ll withstand the continual assault on our rights and our lives is the question.

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In Tolkiens' The Hobbit..there weren't any men and women distinctions brought up, it was about character and intention.

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Brilliant analogy of the modern world we live in. Thanks you.

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I trained in Australia our universal healthcare system came in in 1971 . We lived in nursing homes and worked and studied where we lived . I started my training in 1971. We also had patient centred care. What happened here that rang alarm bells for me was a system called DRG’s - diagnostic related groupings. That meant if a patient came in for surgeries and later had complications only the surgery was funded ( as an example) I also married a doctor who became a psychiatrist and became highly aware of big pharma using practitioners who were held in high respect being paid to be “ influencers” especially with prescribing off label - often with life changing results. I first became highly aware in the 80’s. to be honest in recent years I’ve supported friends and relatives in hospital and to be honest I’d be terrified to ever enter one as a patient.

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My daughter is a second year medical student, and formerly an RN. She is having trouble wrapping her mind around the new 'facts' and terminologies such as "chest feeding", and that men can have babies. Futhermore, despite having had C 19 and having her antibody response quanitifed and qualified via blood analysis, she was mandated to vaccinate, because you know, innate immunity, previously the gold standard that vaccination mimics, is now passé. After dedicating years to be admitted to medical school, she is incredibly disillusioned with what medicine has become. The victory of woke virtue signalling over biology and reality is a danger to our very survival.

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Hi Tracy. Would be happy to speak with them. Send me an email at rsgonner@protonmail.com and we can set something up.

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So gracious of you to offer to do this for Tracy. She sounds truly distressed, which is wholly understandable. :(

P.S. Sent here via a cross post by Dr. Paul Alexander.

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If you know Tracy, please have her contact me at rsgonner@protonmail.com

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It’s 3:10 am and I can’t sleep thinking about my children’s future. I decided to read in hopes of feeling sleepy soon. But instead God sent me to your Substack. I have a son in medical school and a daughter in vet school. My youngest, a daughter as well, is getting her undergraduate. She is also on the path to attend medical school. They were raised by conservative parents that encouraged them to follow their dreams. if I could go back, I would steered them away from the medical industry. They do not believe in the woke agenda. But do not speak up against it either. They feel like they can keep their heads down and move along. Luckily we live in the south and that’s easier to do here. My son wants to be a orthopedic surgeon and feels like he will not be immersed in there agenda. But my youngest daughter, just has her eye on the prize. The prize of just getting into medical school. My dream would be to talk her out of it. Which I try often. I don’t think she thinks it’s as bad as I tell her it is. She is a critical thinker that goes along with the game just to get where she wants to be in life. I would love for you to have a conversation with all or any of them if you would like to. If not, maybe you can point me in the direction to be able to not worry so much, and finally be able to sleep at night.

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It’s 3:10 am and I can’t sleep thinking about my children’s future. I decided to read in hopes of feeling sleepy soon. But instead God sent me to your Substack. I have a son in medical school and a daughter in vet school. My youngest, a daughter as well, is getting her undergraduate. She is also on the path to attend medical school. They were raised by conservative parents that encouraged them to follow their dreams. if I could go back, I would steered them away from the medical industry. They do not believe in the woke agenda. But do not speak up against it either. They feel like they can keep their heads down and move along. Luckily we live in the south and that’s easier to do here. My son wants to be a orthopedic surgeon and feels like he will not be immersed in there agenda. But my youngest daughter, just has her eye on the prize. The prize of just getting into medical school. My dream would be to talk her out of it. Which I try often. I don’t think she thinks it’s as bad as I tell her it is. She is a critical thinker that goes along with the game just to get where she wants to be in life. I would love for you to have a conversation with all or any of them if you would like to. If not, maybe you can point me in the direction to be able to not worry so much, and finally be able to sleep at night.

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