In theory, the medical profession can trace its ethical roots back to Hippocrates (flourished 400 BC) and his maxim "First do no harm". But from a practical perspective, the modern medical profession evolved during the scientific revolution following the Enlightenment, in societies that actually had been shaped by many centuries of Christian moral and legal systems. The profession was therefore formed in a Christian context and operated within a Christian moral framework. That has now been largely abandoned by physicians, and there is nothing to take its place. The profession is now beholden to powerful nonmedical interests, and no longer has any moral standing.

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Thank you for the stark reminder, Dr Gonnering. I stopped believing in our medical profession 4 decades ago, when my mother almost died from anaesthetic incompetence in a very expensive private clinic. For a routine hysterectomy. We are in their hands, and it's a life and death issue. I avoid them like the plague.

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All that you have documented is true. I have accepted for years now that our medical institutions and researchers cannot be trusted. Thank you for your excellent remarks.

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Government intervention in healthcare, essentially distorting the free market, is the root of the problem. It must be meet a swift death

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