Russel, Sadly it is the external forces that have already killed medical education. As a many decade medical educator (and admissions committee attendee) I can tell you with assurance that the criteria for admission have shifted radically. We used to admit students based on their ability to learn the difficult profession and strong desire to help humanity be healthier. Today we ignore both of these (MCATs deprecated, GPA's nuanced by your race, etc.) and admit people based on their demographics, social justice warrior score, and "distance traveled" -- as if living in your car for a month qualifies you to be a doctor.
This is all BECAUSE of the external AAMC organization -- most of us at the grassroots hate every component of this. But gets worse.
Because underqualified students are routinely admitted, the standards just keep slipping. First, we did away with grades because some students did better than others (and because the flunk rate by number was profound -- many schools remediating 25-30% of their students. You had better hope that is not going to be YOUR doctor.) Pass/fail allows you to put the cutoff anywhere and just pass everyone about 3% irrespective of whether they grasp the material or not. Of course, we have also been required to dumb down the course materials to help a few more look better and to help with the absurdity of "work/life balance" which is all about no work. Of course, now that people are demonstrably less qualified, we have now removed the scoring from part 1 of the National Boards -- a testament to the fact that pass rates for this national test based on discernable numbers were cratering. Again, once it is pass fail, one can just pass the top 95% irrespective of scores. Easy solution until you are the patient.
But wait...there's more. Because we now have NO data on medical students vis-a-vis quality, no one has any idea about which residents will be better than any others. This used to be a really selective it is a crapshoot based on one test (Part II of the boards is still scored, but who knows for how much longer) and interviews/recommendations which tell you nothing for practical purposes.
It is not that no good students go to medical school. Many still do. But the government/bureaucracy has made it almost impossible to tell. It is why I know no one of my cohort that will see any physician under 40. (And some use 50 as their cutoff.)
Dr. K--if you like, let's continue this conversation. I too have seen this happen with the medical students I mentor. Send me an email at
Since you routinely accent semantics, I feel comfortable discussing language with you. In current context, of course.
(While we're here, to "the Arab street," is there any practical difference in meaning between "Islamic Jihad-misfired, wayward rocket" and fictitious "Israeli bomb" --- despite the absence of any effective crater at the purported bomb-explosion (pre-hospital) site, and the assumed aim and release of said explosive armament in an intentional, murderous, systematic manner by one of Israel's piloted warplanes --- when attempting to explain its riotous and destructive impulses? Not enough, evidently and obviously.)
Your characterization of how DEI devolves constantly and everywhere into UIE captures/summarizes all your observations, concisely and precisely so.
There are certain causes present --- deception, untruthfulness, racial bias and discrimination (a/k/a "hellish payback"), tyranny --- when such ill-gotten acronyms devolve, rather than to systematically grow, bring positive, needed, overdue modification; adapt, while interacting with a modified-constructive environment, and, thus, evolve.
It just dawned on me that this site is called critical thinking in health care. No such thing exists in this country. You must know this fact by now. We now reside in a pharmaceutical prison, with all regulatory agencies captured, Doctors banned from treating patients with off patent drugs that have been proven to work, experimental and dangerous DNA altering, untested drugs. With what has happened in the past three years there is no ethics in medicine. No ethics in science. People are cattle for profit in medicine now and have been for decades. If any Doctor thinks critically or speaks critically today, they will be fired, lose their license and be vilified in the public. Where is the critical thought. Hint, eugenics is not ethical, murdering people with injections is not ethical. The language is twisted as in collateral damage or military intelligence, cold as hell. Always the opposite of what it actually is. The Patriot Act lol, please.
There are a few..."the resistance" if you will. All your points are valid. I graduated from medical school in 1975. We are here, in a large part, because we physicians did not fight those injustices when we could have.
Where to begin, first I will say that barbarity, butchery and violence are abhorrent for anyone, and I am no antisemite, although I will be called one after this post. That said, is it any wonder that this violence continues? The slogan, a land without people for a people without land was stated for the creation of the state of Israel, except that it was not without people! Around 800,000 people lived in this land for centuries, with houses, farms, families, history. Where did they go? Well like the natives of every country they were marginalized, vilified and then forced off their own land by violence. The state has expanded since 1948 to encompass nearly the entire land mass, leaving the Gaza strip imprisoned. The largest outdoor prison on the planet, excluding China, who we collude with by the way. The saying those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it is true. Actually, humans never learn from history because they are greedy humans. They do learn what works to their advantage, and conquest works. What exactly would you expect a disenfranchised population to do when they have lost everything and then are treated as roaches by the conquering people? If someone came in and ran you out of your house, took everything you own, and the world said this is ok. would you be ok with this? Do any of you actually know how the state of Israel came into being. How do curly haired, dark-skinned Jews become white, green and blue eyed? No resemblance to natives at all and mostly from eastern Europe, with no ethnic or DNA compared to the original people. Have you ever pondered this mystery? Just looking at the current situation it is easy to condemn the actions, but in the absence of the history, it becomes just another terrorist attack. I have to ask the question; how these people breached the most secure border on the planet without detection. Like the twin towers falling into their own footprint, it is a mystery. Not really when viewed with some basic knowledge of physics. Both these things are not possible in the realm of physics we are subjected to by, well known physics of this universe we inhabit. Now back to the medical student question, first the Rockefellers took control of the medical education as well as the medical field in general verry early. Not for the sake of humanity mind you, it was for profit, money over humanity. The rest of the medical community that are practicing have abdicated their ethics in favor of keeping quiet about the covid jabs, the danger of these poisons, with the exception of a few brave souls who stood up to this medical cartel. Talk about terror and murder. This has been done for profit, fame and according to the WEF to reset the entire planet into a one world dictatorship, yea. So murdering millions slowly is not nearly as bad as murdering a hundred immediately, right? If you murder twenty you are a mass murderer, if you murder a hundred thousand you are a conqueror, right? The emperor has no clothes. The empire is corrupted to the core and still the sheep believe the Sheppard loves them. Samuel Clemons stated that "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
All is not lost. At least you write the right word, "barbarity," and not barbarism -- the rather anesthetized, near-sterilized form, emblematic of the feelings-free teachings and penchants of the bios theoretikos, or life of the theoretical: the predominant mentality and patently failing sector of academe, including where medicine is taught.
Again, you are letting us all know how intelligent you are when it comes to use of language, but no comment on the article. What do you think about the article?
Russel, Sadly it is the external forces that have already killed medical education. As a many decade medical educator (and admissions committee attendee) I can tell you with assurance that the criteria for admission have shifted radically. We used to admit students based on their ability to learn the difficult profession and strong desire to help humanity be healthier. Today we ignore both of these (MCATs deprecated, GPA's nuanced by your race, etc.) and admit people based on their demographics, social justice warrior score, and "distance traveled" -- as if living in your car for a month qualifies you to be a doctor.
This is all BECAUSE of the external AAMC organization -- most of us at the grassroots hate every component of this. But gets worse.
Because underqualified students are routinely admitted, the standards just keep slipping. First, we did away with grades because some students did better than others (and because the flunk rate by number was profound -- many schools remediating 25-30% of their students. You had better hope that is not going to be YOUR doctor.) Pass/fail allows you to put the cutoff anywhere and just pass everyone about 3% irrespective of whether they grasp the material or not. Of course, we have also been required to dumb down the course materials to help a few more look better and to help with the absurdity of "work/life balance" which is all about no work. Of course, now that people are demonstrably less qualified, we have now removed the scoring from part 1 of the National Boards -- a testament to the fact that pass rates for this national test based on discernable numbers were cratering. Again, once it is pass fail, one can just pass the top 95% irrespective of scores. Easy solution until you are the patient.
But wait...there's more. Because we now have NO data on medical students vis-a-vis quality, no one has any idea about which residents will be better than any others. This used to be a really selective it is a crapshoot based on one test (Part II of the boards is still scored, but who knows for how much longer) and interviews/recommendations which tell you nothing for practical purposes.
It is not that no good students go to medical school. Many still do. But the government/bureaucracy has made it almost impossible to tell. It is why I know no one of my cohort that will see any physician under 40. (And some use 50 as their cutoff.)
Be warned.
Dr. K--if you like, let's continue this conversation. I too have seen this happen with the medical students I mentor. Send me an email at
Since you routinely accent semantics, I feel comfortable discussing language with you. In current context, of course.
(While we're here, to "the Arab street," is there any practical difference in meaning between "Islamic Jihad-misfired, wayward rocket" and fictitious "Israeli bomb" --- despite the absence of any effective crater at the purported bomb-explosion (pre-hospital) site, and the assumed aim and release of said explosive armament in an intentional, murderous, systematic manner by one of Israel's piloted warplanes --- when attempting to explain its riotous and destructive impulses? Not enough, evidently and obviously.)
Your characterization of how DEI devolves constantly and everywhere into UIE captures/summarizes all your observations, concisely and precisely so.
There are certain causes present --- deception, untruthfulness, racial bias and discrimination (a/k/a "hellish payback"), tyranny --- when such ill-gotten acronyms devolve, rather than to systematically grow, bring positive, needed, overdue modification; adapt, while interacting with a modified-constructive environment, and, thus, evolve.
You get it, Professor.
It just dawned on me that this site is called critical thinking in health care. No such thing exists in this country. You must know this fact by now. We now reside in a pharmaceutical prison, with all regulatory agencies captured, Doctors banned from treating patients with off patent drugs that have been proven to work, experimental and dangerous DNA altering, untested drugs. With what has happened in the past three years there is no ethics in medicine. No ethics in science. People are cattle for profit in medicine now and have been for decades. If any Doctor thinks critically or speaks critically today, they will be fired, lose their license and be vilified in the public. Where is the critical thought. Hint, eugenics is not ethical, murdering people with injections is not ethical. The language is twisted as in collateral damage or military intelligence, cold as hell. Always the opposite of what it actually is. The Patriot Act lol, please.
There are a few..."the resistance" if you will. All your points are valid. I graduated from medical school in 1975. We are here, in a large part, because we physicians did not fight those injustices when we could have.
Where to begin, first I will say that barbarity, butchery and violence are abhorrent for anyone, and I am no antisemite, although I will be called one after this post. That said, is it any wonder that this violence continues? The slogan, a land without people for a people without land was stated for the creation of the state of Israel, except that it was not without people! Around 800,000 people lived in this land for centuries, with houses, farms, families, history. Where did they go? Well like the natives of every country they were marginalized, vilified and then forced off their own land by violence. The state has expanded since 1948 to encompass nearly the entire land mass, leaving the Gaza strip imprisoned. The largest outdoor prison on the planet, excluding China, who we collude with by the way. The saying those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it is true. Actually, humans never learn from history because they are greedy humans. They do learn what works to their advantage, and conquest works. What exactly would you expect a disenfranchised population to do when they have lost everything and then are treated as roaches by the conquering people? If someone came in and ran you out of your house, took everything you own, and the world said this is ok. would you be ok with this? Do any of you actually know how the state of Israel came into being. How do curly haired, dark-skinned Jews become white, green and blue eyed? No resemblance to natives at all and mostly from eastern Europe, with no ethnic or DNA compared to the original people. Have you ever pondered this mystery? Just looking at the current situation it is easy to condemn the actions, but in the absence of the history, it becomes just another terrorist attack. I have to ask the question; how these people breached the most secure border on the planet without detection. Like the twin towers falling into their own footprint, it is a mystery. Not really when viewed with some basic knowledge of physics. Both these things are not possible in the realm of physics we are subjected to by, well known physics of this universe we inhabit. Now back to the medical student question, first the Rockefellers took control of the medical education as well as the medical field in general verry early. Not for the sake of humanity mind you, it was for profit, money over humanity. The rest of the medical community that are practicing have abdicated their ethics in favor of keeping quiet about the covid jabs, the danger of these poisons, with the exception of a few brave souls who stood up to this medical cartel. Talk about terror and murder. This has been done for profit, fame and according to the WEF to reset the entire planet into a one world dictatorship, yea. So murdering millions slowly is not nearly as bad as murdering a hundred immediately, right? If you murder twenty you are a mass murderer, if you murder a hundred thousand you are a conqueror, right? The emperor has no clothes. The empire is corrupted to the core and still the sheep believe the Sheppard loves them. Samuel Clemons stated that "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
All is not lost. At least you write the right word, "barbarity," and not barbarism -- the rather anesthetized, near-sterilized form, emblematic of the feelings-free teachings and penchants of the bios theoretikos, or life of the theoretical: the predominant mentality and patently failing sector of academe, including where medicine is taught.
Again, you are letting us all know how intelligent you are when it comes to use of language, but no comment on the article. What do you think about the article?