Nice job. My experience exactly. I began to realize something nefarious was going on when they declared the 65 year old hydroxychloroquine to be dangerous. My husband and I have successfully treated 4,000 COVID patients with repurposed HCQ, IVM and other old safe medicines. If we had waited for the “scientists” to do a proper double blind study, we would have missed out in the joy of saving lives.

Alieta Eck, MD

Past President, AAPS

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Thanks for this. I'm about 10 years behind you, but also remember 1968 vividly, and lived through all of the hurdles of treating COVID early with antivirals in a federally funded clinic, until being fired a year ago for non-vaccination for COVID.

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Do you really believe it was an "unconscious political agenda"? I'm not so sure. The suppression of early treatment was and is global (starting with Didier Raoult). In 2019, just prior to the pandemic, the Health Minister in France changed HCQ from an OTC med to prescription. One of many curiously timed events. Too much coinkydink, methinks.

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I’m not in the medical field, but have feared them since I saw the oncologist push poison on my husband all the way to the grave. I have turned to alternative medicine because I’m afraid to see a pharma trained pill pushing automaton. I admit this article gives me hope that there are still critical thinking physicians out there. How do people find them?

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I am in the medical field, med tech -laboratory, and I have NO trust in majority of health care providers. I haven't found a NP/MD I trust yet and yes I am afraid of them big time. Talking to people in your area can sometimes uncover that wonderful caring doc. My doc retired at the beginning of the electronic EMRs years ago and I have not had any luck finding a person I trust. Wish my veterinarian would treat me - I trust her.

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I worked at Nursing home. I reported sadistic treatment of elderly. (I'm not a rat, but certain things go beyond this). Next time I came in.... Told I was no longer needed

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I remember ‘68 as well. Although I was only 11. I was shown a sign that year that I have lived with for 55 years. My father, a veteran, was diagnosed with lung cancer, he came home from his radiation treatment and I was horrified at what the drs had done to him. The sight is burned into my brain. His chest and back were covered in what looked like a 2’ x 3’ rectangle of diamond shaped scabs all over his chest and back. I didn’t see them as saviors, I saw the evil that is very obvious to us all now. I saw the lack of empathy, humanism and love for the human race. As I grew up, I became a huge advocate for food and supplements and exercise as my medicine. I have realized about 10 years ago that every problem I have with my body now is from side effects of medication-high blood pressure—Tylenol PM, ringing in the ears -Cipro antibiotic, problems with ligaments-1 round of muscle relaxers. I consider myself lucky as I see my family and friends falling for their BS. They are so deep into the system as they are now dependent on the drugs and drs and they can’t get out, it will be the end of them. They look to me for help and I can’t help them as nothing is natural anymore. As I scrolled thru VAERS and read about their deaths, they were all on multiple medications. Granted they were all old but it didn’t save them. It killed them. It’s so sad to think people have no faith in fate, they all want to live forever, no matter what the cost. Years ago, I finally came to the conclusion that life on earth is the real hell. (I have fought with that idea for years, how could that be true because there is a lot of good) And now I understand the reason for that feeling or thought. I was sensing the underlying evil that is now hugely apparent. I pray for those that are jabbed as they did not know what they were doing or they were coerced and forced, maybe they just wanted instant gratification, which is a symptom of our broken society. Now they will pay with their lives and because of their lack of forethought, their families left behind will pay as well in emotional pain. But we all must remember that time and love heals all wounds. Pray for them, they need it. The good will always win, be patient.

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Thank you for sharing this.

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Beautifully said, thanks.

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I’m not an MD. Here’s a disgusted outsider’s opinion: the doctors themselves murdered the Hippocratic oath the second they allowed the bean counters to separate the “business of medicine” from the “practice of medicine.”

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I believe it was less doctors and more political manoeuvring paid for by lobbyists- every politician seems to have a price.

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I’m placing the blame solely on those who could write prescriptions. They surrendered to convenience, dreams of paid off student loans, and the corp. machine. Period. ( there are plenty of excuses, I’m sure)

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Couldn't agree with you more. That's when medicine became corporate! The art of medicine is dying! I should know I practiced ENT for 30 years and witnessed medicines downfall.

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I started my nursing career in 1971, was at one point married to a doctor and have long had an interest in medical politics. I can only agree with everything your saying.

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Same year in college and same progressive realization of medicine being coopted and the physician and patient both being progressively used and harmed as financial corporations aacended in medicine. Thank you for the vivid memories and fellowship. I’ll never forget a tank in the park across the street from our campus after the tragic assassination of MLK just down the highway...A time like our own.

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There is a stinking rotting thing out there. It is called society. Doctors are supposed to be at the top of society. Today, they may be less trusted than the proverbial used car salesman. Funny you should have mentioned 2001: A Space Odyssey. It foretold our future. We did not create that rotting stinking thing out there, but we are guilty of letting it happen.

If we start being the brave, moral human beings we were raised to be, we can stop the slippery slide. We need to act now, decisively. We need to resist. Maybe some future generation will look back at us and marvel at how we saved humanity. I truly hope so.

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Profound Rotting Evil =Fauci

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This physician is, as they say “ my kind of people.” Until I discovered the doctors of AFLDS, Truth For Health and FLCCC ( and others globally), I felt I was very much alone in my thoughts of what happened to the practice of medicine and the art of nursing. He nailed it in this essay- every bit of it!!!

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Amen doc - Amen

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A great history, (hardly romantic) nostalgia, and most relatable testimonial for an incomparably far greater, past professionalism and autonomous practice of medicine. Yours was a heartful expression for the now-moribund-to-expired, basically lost art and science of professional ethics, toppled and decimated in the minded hearts of health-care practitioners and related professionals alike by the adulteration, contamination, hubris, and plain, old nasty, cynical bullying and overpowering by the political class.

The trade of enhanced financial security for such passively enabled, outside control of medicine must be seriously regarded as nothing but Faustian; and yet, the indescribably egregious, fraudulent and multifariously illegal conduct, no less the wholly exploitative and manipulative activity (thanks to terribly enticing and bad, past federal legislation) that enabled multi-regulatory agency-capture by MegaloPharma, among other corrupting parties and sociopolitical interests, is central in all this, as you do well to point out.

Bad as this nightmare is, however, it's only a horrible and frightful means and prelude to an even worse, depopulation-headed, humanicidal main part. By 2030, will 90% of our planet's human population be annihilated upon the slow, spiritually excruciating, indiscriminate and maximally diverse mass-murder of men and women, boys and girls? It's an open question for now, I think.

This much is certain: Congress (as our elected representatives) is directly responsible, and because the laws we delegate them to make actually govern us, we are also, albeit indirectly responsible for this entire, astonishingly horrific, unspeakably criminal deception and onslaught. All in all, it is a most toxic structure-process-outcome regime and environment in which what was, in a less mass-formation-influenced time, a more professional, independent and ethical medicine now one of, perhaps the prime victim of the monster-eater that is systematically dismembering and destroying our Creator-endowed, but arduously preserved and honed sacred rights -- along with our irreplaceable sacred lives and property, which are extensions of each human being's steadily diminishing, individual personhood.

The unprecedented level of this profanity in our midst will cause all such sacredness from cherished devotions to disappear -- unless, and only unless, we forbid their disappearance and their vital role in our psyches and general spirit, no less our practices and institutions as a people and as a nation. Therefore, in the end, I see no principal alternative life-and-rights-saving component-force in the big sociopolitical mix other than our own. It is we, the American people, the political sovereign (on paper, at least), who has to step in and order things right and good again.

If not upon God's Power and Grace, which are sorely needed and most welcome, let us invoke, then, a Themis-like figure, one or more, figuratively, to hold the scales of justice, remain blinded to any corrupting bias, and at the ready, if it be needed as the last resort, with her trusted, law-and-order-preserving sword.

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Thank you for a very insightful and accurate article. I do believe that there are many doctors that are honest and have your integrity. We need them to stand up and challenge this "Evil"!

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Thank you for tour wonderful insight. I do believe there are many more MDs. out there with tour honesty and integrity. They are just afraid to speak up. We need them!!

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