Precision medicine has not been practiced in this country for more than a century. The Rockefellers gained control over allopathic medicine early on and have shaped the trajectory of it ever since. The book, Murder by injection is a clear blueprint of this fraud against humanity. They control all the levers of medicine to include the Universities, labs, et al. Is it any wonder that we are the most injected people on the planet with the worst health outcomes. How is it that we rank well below some developing countries while being jabbed against every possible pathogen imaginable. Many of these illnesses are not fatal and in fact increase our natural immunity to others and yet they have been added to the childhood vaccine mandates. The harm they have caused is beyond measure and yet they continue to add more. One thing that I find bizarre is the phony field of virology as no virus has ever been proven to exist. This is not conjecture it is fact. Not isolated or mapped out genetically, no electron microscopic photo of a virus has ever been viewed, ever! So, do not be surprised that a fraud like covid or any of the other lab created pathogens have been released and called a virus. Even polio is not a virus! See the pattern here! Medicine has grown into the Tierney that Dr. Benjamin Rush warned about 200 years ago. No science is being practiced by the scientific method, and yet it is called science. If you look at the evidence, it is plainly science fiction, not science. This is a long-awaited elite eugenics dream come true. Culling the useless eater from the planet, and what better way than with fear of a deadly virus that is going to kill you if you do not get the jab. All these scenarios have been rehearsed before being implemented. If you have not seen event 201 then you missed the tell. They are working on the next fake pandemic as we speak. It is the plan for a one world government, one currency, worldwide governance or worldwide socialism. The WEF and their minions say it openly and yet no one bothers to listen. Claus Schaub, Noah Hariri state exactly what is going to happen, you will own nothing and be happy, you will cease to be human, and you will be monitored 24-7 without privacy. Translation= a slave. This is the method they are using to gain control and the jabs will either kill you or sterilize you. This is happening now as fertility and sperm counts are down drastically in the human population, miscarriages galore like never before. We can talk about this ad infinitum except we do not have this much time before we are caged. If people do not wake up and red pill they will remain in the matrix. A lifetime of brainwashing has left this society helpless to critical thought, and all they prayer in the world will not magically change anything, action and knowledge are what is needed now. I asked a doctor to show me proof of a virus. He said it is in the medical journals. No, it is not. Just like the PCR test is not a test to detect anything that is active in your body so not a diagnostic test at all and yet this is what passes as science. The common cold is a form of covid, not a virus but a pathogen of some sort, no virus has ever been seen, ever in history and yet they say they do and built an entire so-called discipline called virology around a lie that is virology. To all you flat earthers and moon made of cheese believers, you need to question everything, this is what real science does. It never settles for a priori truth ever. The verry nature of science calls, demands that someone question the so-called proof. Steven Hawking disproved his own finding with the Hawking paradox, he was not going to settle for his postulate. He could have but he practiced real science by questioning his own findings. Question everything all the time, and stop listening to the experts and fear mongering monsters who are lying to us all.

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Great piece Russ!

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