Thank you for posting your reflections. It has been a strange combination of arrogance and ignorance that has led us here. Pretty difficult to imagine a human way out of this mess.

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You are absolutely right: we are here because of arrogance and ignorance. Unfortunately medical leadership has an abundance of both.

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Thanks Russell, Good Start!

I worked at Chinle Indian Hospital in Arizona for my first 2 years out of FP residency. I think the Dineh just see this as par-for-the-course for white-people ("bilagaana").

They understand life differently, those who live in the older ways.

You know. Hillerman novels were always for sale on the Rez.

Good reputation. I was busy with work and little kids.

I got fired for COVID vaccine refusal, in sort of a dramatic setting, after treating with repurposed antivirals since before Trump talked about HCQ. "Involuntarily relieved of duty".


Since Google started overtly censoring some posts this year, I mostly moved to drjohnsblog.substack.com, though the original blog mirrors the same content (most days).


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How many previous ‘never let it happen again’ historical events happened again anyway? Civil rights violations, assault on bodily autonomy, the right to life, liberty, happiness, and pursuit of property, crimes against humanity, denial of access to employment, education, spiritual sustenance at church, illegal confinement, denial of habeas corpus, social and political persecution, psychological warfare with propaganda, complete disregard for the rule of law by those who took a solemn vow to uphold it, democide, genocide, iatrogenocide, etc.? Not only has ‘it happened again’, but it’s not even over yet. Sociopaths, psychopaths, toxic narcissists, and useful idiots are still hell bent - literally - on the destruction of civil society, liberty and humanity. The Godless world is hell on earth, and the demons are just getting started. Pray harder and put on the Armor of God.

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